
这一政策的目的是确保学院学生的安全和健康, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客, 并确保提供基本服务. 作为一所住宿学院,在集体计划下运作, 赌博正规的十大网站不会因为恶劣天气而关闭. 除非官方发布了限制服务运营的公告, all 教师 and 工作人员 shall report to work in accordance with the guidelines outlined below and full service college operations will continue.



所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, 包括志愿者在内,都在这项政策的范围内. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, 学院将依靠校园社区, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. 除非学校政策里特别提到, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.



员工在决定何时离职时应考虑自身安全, 或者,如果, 向上级汇报工作并告知他们的可用性. 在一些办公室,对正常工作日的轻微调整(例如.e.(如迟到)可能是一种选择,并与主管讨论. 在主管批准的情况下,有些职位可能允许远程办公.

工作人员 members who are unable to report to work as regularly scheduled or with approved minor work schedule adjustments will be required to use sick or vacation time to cover their absence or may arrange with their supervisor to make up the time during the same work week.

除非教职员特别取消,否则应谨慎上课. 教师有责任与他们的学生和学生沟通, 如果需要, 向系主任和/或学院办公室主任咨询.


如果天气状况恶化, the decision to maintain essential services will be made by the Chief Operating Officer or designee and communicated to the 校园社区. 以下部门会继续运作:

  •             校园安全
  •             设施及服务(包括保管)
  •             住房和会议办公室
  •             餐饮服务

所有其他学院部门和办公室必须制定实施该政策的指导方针. Department heads shall identify which limited services will be provided and which 工作人员 are needed based on the academic schedule, 特别活动, 一年中的时间, 一周中的一天. Supervisors and 工作人员 are expected to communicate with each other about the weather and make plans for covering limited functions when severe weather is anticipated.

无法安全到达校园的员工将根据他们的正常工作时间表支付工资. 已获批准休假或病假的员工仍需报告请假情况.


The college will make all efforts to communicate with the 校园社区 using the emergency notification system and local media. 当有疑问时, employees should seek guidance from their supervisor/department head; students should seek guidance from their professors.


For severe weather that compromises services or safety during the workday an announcement will be made as soon as possible; if overnight, 最迟将于下午6点发布公告.m. 关于当天提供的服务. 


校园安全 and Facilities Services personnel closely observe weekday and weekend weather conditions as part of normal duties.  校园安全 and Facilities Services will increase the monitoring frequency of weather conditions when forecast models and advisories warrant. 科罗拉多大学 is committed to communicating tools and tips to prepare the campus and its operation for weather related or other severe or unanticipated incidents.  

为学生提供其他有用的应急准备资料, 教师, and 工作人员 can be found in the 科罗拉多大学 Emergency Preparedness Guide on the Emergency Preparedness page of the college’s website: qnmx.ngskmc-eis.net/other/preparedness/


If 校园安全 and Facilities Services determine hazardous conditions exist and are or may likely affect normal campus operations, the director of campus safety and emergency management will be contacted and will assume the role of Incident Commander (IC). 在校园安全和应急管理主任缺席的情况下, 设施服务AVP将承担集成电路的角色. 如果设施服务AVP不可用, 人事和职场文化副总裁将承担IC的角色. 如果没有可用的,学生生活的AVP将承担IC. 如果这四个都不可用,用于通信的AVP将承担IC.

  • IC将联系核心小组:设施的AVP, 人事和职场文化副总裁, 学生生活的AVP和关于当前和预计天气状况的通信的AVP.
  • The Core Group will meet virtually or in-person as determined by the IC to discuss the context of the immediate circumstances including the safety risk probability for those anticipating travel to or from campus.
    • 其他需要考虑的项目:阻塞的时间, 周末和工作日, 预计风暴持续时间, 当前路况, 风暴和受影响地区的范围和规模, 来自CSPD的更新, 科罗拉多斯普林斯市, 其他受过高等教育的本地雇主, 发布公告或警告, 还有学校的条件.
  • 核心小组将及时向首席运营官提出校园运营建议 (or designee in accordance to the Chain of Command list in the Emergency Management Plan). The recommendations will include supporting details used to determine continuing normal operations or the need to move the campus to limited services operations.  建议应包括将学院转移到有限服务的日期和时间以及预期的持续时间.
  • IC将就核心小组的建议与首席运营官联系. 首席运营官将决定学院的地位.
  • IC将通过学院的通信部门发起与学院的通信.


如果危险情况存在并且预计会加剧, 校园安全将与设施服务的地面主管协调.  The grounds supervisor will determine if the grounds crew can safely report to campus to begin treating weather related hazardous conditions prior to the start of the business day. 场地管理员将决定何时动用扫雪机, 除雪人员, 以及合同服务的可能补充. The grounds supervisor will maintain contact with campus safety and/or the IC related to campus conditions and weather related mitigation measures.

  • 校园安全 will contact the director of campus safety and emergency management to communicate the current weather conditions.
  • 校园安全和应急管理主任将担任事件指挥官(IC)的角色. 在校园安全和应急管理主任缺席的情况下, 设施服务的AVP将承担IC. 在设施服务主任不在的情况下, 人事和职场文化副总裁将承担IC的角色. 如果没有可用的,学生生活的AVP将承担IC. 如果这四个都不可用,用于通信的AVP将承担IC.
  • IC将决定何时与核心组联系:设施的AVP, 人事和职场文化副总裁, 学生生活的AVP和关于当前和预计天气状况的通信的AVP.
  • The Core Group will meet virtually or in-person as determined by the IC to discuss the context of the immediate circumstances and the risks to the safety of those traveling to or from campus.
  • 其他需要考虑的项目:阻塞的时间, 周末和工作日, 预计风暴持续时间, 当前路况, 风暴和受影响地区的范围和规模, 来自CSPD的更新, 科罗拉多斯普林斯市, 发布公告或警告, 还有学校的条件.
  • 核心小组将及时向首席运营官提出校园运营建议. The recommendations will include supporting details used to determine continuing normal operations or the need to move the campus to limited services operations.  建议应包括将学院转移到有限服务的日期和时间以及预期的持续时间.
  • IC将就核心小组的建议与首席运营官联系. 首席运营官将决定学院的地位.
  • IC将通过学院的通信部门发起与学院的通信.


如果天气预报说恶劣天气会持续很长时间, a partial activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be initiated and the director of campus safety and emergency management will assume the role of IC. 国际委员会将动员早先在这一程序中确定的核心小组. 

根据学院的应急管理计划, this may also activate the President’s Executive 政策 Group to consider business continuity elements of an extended multi-day storm.


Cabinet members are responsible to ensure direct reports and their department heads discuss the severe weather policy with department 工作人员 and have department-level operation plans in place when limited services status is declared. Department heads will determine which functions will continue during limited services status and the positions to support those functions and will confirm with the cabinet member.

所有部门必须有预先确定的彼此报到的协议, and identify which 工作人员 positions will provide the limited services and other positions that will serve as a back-up if other employees are unable to safely travel to campus.

The dean of the 教师 will confer with department chairs about the severe weather policy and severe weather protocols to be followed.  协议应主要包括学生和工作人员关于班级状况的沟通.  

部门 are to assess which college sponsored events will continue or will be canceled and communicate to applicable users (student events, 校园社区, 及/或公众).


报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/14/2024